R e a d y t o W e a r
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A J o u r n e y t o J a v a
15 . 11 . 2020
ASHTA, Distric 8, SCBD, Jakarta
There is a story that is starting to be forgotten…
Something that was once very close to its people…
called T r a d i t i o n and C u l t u r e
Delving into and reassembling the principle that was once a basis and pride
Bringing it back into D A I L Y L I V E S
The Pakaiankoe collection marks the start of Lakon Indonesia’s move towards traditional textile. This first collection, titled “A Journey to Java”, tells the story of a journey in the efforts to preserve culture. Following its title, Pakaiankoe is a presentation of the results achieved through the efforts made by Lakon Indonesia together with the craftsmen, especially those in Java.
For more than a year, not only has Lakon Indonesia guided the craftsmen, but we have also engaged them to work together professionally, with the goal of moving the gears of their economy. Furthermore, we have also given them new views and knowledge so that all of it may be useful for their future.
Here, we remind people of the basic principles of culture and tradition that have been passed down for generations and that of which are the strength of their craftsmanship; Help them explore various materials – such as cotton, denim, canvas, voile, taffeta, tile, and chiffon – as basic materials for batik and jumputan, of which the results are used in this Pakaiankoe collection. In addition, we help them to make technical changes as well, teach them a better way to work and produce so that the maturity of their work can develop better.
Our team worked wholeheartedly in designing this Pakaiankoe presentation to achieve maximum results from every aspect of exploration that we did together. How to ensure that this collection does not only become a collection made from local products, but also a collection that can promote the craftsmen’s handcrafted works into something that has the taste and standard accepted in the International world, at the same time promoting Indonesia’s name and the city of Jakarta as the gate of Indonesia’s art and culture.
We want Pakaiankoe to become a presentation that is more in-depth and perfect than anything that has ever been made in Indonesia before. Therefore, we reached out to several professionals from other fields to collaborate with us in creating a presentation that can really illustrate and represent Indonesia. They are: Irsan, a fashion designer who acts as Pakaiankoe’s Creative Director; Adi Purnomo, an architect who designed the presentation area in its entirety; Davy Linggar, who handled the photography and videography; and Addie MS who, along with Twilite Orchestra, who accompanied the presentation with live music.
We hope this presentation can be a turning point in making the changes that are now highly necessary to build culture and tradition that can strengthen Indonesia’s individuality as a nation.