Pintu Incubator is a form of culture preservation, which is the objective of LAKON Indonesia while pushing industrial development based on Indonesian handmade crafts at the same time. Through this program, LAKON Indonesia introduces the potentials of Indonesian traditional handmade crafts, which are very unique and competitive, to the international market. Through Pintu, we also invite local brands to share knowledge and experience with each other to expand exploration and use of these traditional skills in Indonesian products.
We hope that in the end, this will become a large ecosystem to move Indonesia’s small and medium industries as a whole, including everyone in the micro industries that support them. Which means, in the future, the continuity of traditional craftsmen and their skills can be maintained.
In its efforts in preserving culture through fashion, Lakon Indonesia has cooperated with JFFF for several times to hold events that present its collaboration portfolio with the traditional craftsmen. Both Lakon and JFFF have similar mission to support the fashion industry players in reaching higher level of productivity and creativity, especially for those traditional craftsmen.
During the Gantari presentation, we met with the Cultural Attache of French Embassy for Indonesia and soon the three parties found huge potentials in startups development by young enterpreneurs that can benefit from cross cultural sharing of industry knowledge, access to greater networks and solutions to general problems that are commonly found, which in return can support these potential startups to grow significantly in local market or even propel its brand into international markets.
Hence these all led to the new initiative in building a fashion incubator, PINTU.